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Piscataquis Chamber Cash Mobs will return for 2013 with the first on Jan. 29

    The Piscataquis Chamber of Commerce is excited to announce the first Piscataquis Chamber Cash Mob of 2013 and wants you to be part of it.



    What is a Cash Mob you ask? The concept is simple: With at least $20 cash in hand, members of a community meet at a specific time and place to shop a locally-owned establishment as a way to support small business and stimulate the local economy. The term “Cash Mob” comes from the concept “flash mob” which many have heard about in the news or seen on YouTube. Flash Mobs consist of a group of people gathering at a specific location for a short time to perform an entertaining activity such a choreographed song or dance. Similarly, a Cash Mob aims to gather a large group of people to shop a designated business at a specific time. There won’t be spontaneous singing or choreographed dance moves in a mall food court …. but we will gather as many people as possible, cash in hand, and shop a local Chamber member business at a specific time, on a specific day. It’s a fun way for the community to support small independent businesses and keep money local.

    The Chamber is organizing Cash Mobs for member businesses all over Piscataquis County. “We are excited to kick off the 2013 Cash Mob Season with an exciting location for our first event,” says Chamber Executive Director Erin Warstler.

    The first Cash Mob of the New Year will take place on Tuesday, Jan. 29 at 5:30 p.m. The Chamber is working hard to spread the word through social media, flyers and by word of mouth in order to ensure a great turnout. Follow the organization Facebook page to get all the details on these events and to see the lucky business revealed prior to the event. The secret Cash Mob location will also be revealed on the day of the event on the electronic marquee of a local business – so be on the lookout and help spread the word. This Cash Mob will offer shoppers fantastic deals and savings on quality products. Join members of your community to make a big impact on a small business at 2013’s first Piscataquis Chamber Cash Mob

    If you have any questions about Piscataquis Chamber Cash Mobs, go to under “upcoming events”; Facebook page at or call the Chamber at 564-7533.

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