8 years ago
Don’t vote your rights away
There is a thief in Dover-Foxcroft. It currently exists in the proposed revision of the town charter and it's ready to steal away your right to vote all the budgetary warrant articles presented on the ballot at the June municipal election. That's right! If you approve the revised town charter appearing as a referendum on this June's ballot you will effectively lose the ability to vote by secret ballot on any budget-related item except a "bottom line" budget total.
8 years ago
Moosehead Lake: Strong connections between conservation lands and economic health
The Forest Society of Maine (FSM), a land trust serving Maine’s North Woods, holds nearly 1 million acres of forestland in conservation easements. A good portion of the conservation easements we hold surround the Moosehead Lake region and extend to the north, west and east including many mountains, lakes and rivers. The conservation easements typically allow for continued sustainable forest management and the landowners, who still own the land, continue to pay taxes on the land. The public benefits from the permanently assured public access and the conservation of wildlife habitat, special natural areas, recreational assets, and scenic beauty the easements ensure.
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