Police & Fire

Does Bangor need a new jail?

Psychological first aid course prepares individuals to respond to traumatic experiences

June 13 referendum results

Northern Light CA Dean Hospital named a Top 20 Hospital for Quality

Public forum planned on Mayo mill dam project

Plymouth Engineering chosen for Milo public safety building design

County law enforcement carries the Special Olympics Torch

Maine’s courts need more judges and clerks to properly function, study says

Student artist designs a logo for Piscataquis County

Addition to Milo Veterans Memorial honors man who made it possible

Dover-Foxcroft ballot ready for June 13

Greenville officials mull moratorium ordinance

Maine politicians try to kill law shielding records on hazardous rail shipments

Dexter council adjusts marijuana ordinance

Sheriff: Penobscot County needs a new jail to address problems

Charleston man faces up to 20 years for role in multi-county drug trafficking scheme