
5 ski-area homes for sale in Maine

If Donald Trump seizes Greenland, Redditors say Denmark should take over Maine

Metal mining company sells land north of Penobscot County project

Greenville Planning Board working on several ordinances

Maine adds regulation for new outbuildings in unorganized territories

Snowmobile clubs are desperate for snow even as some trails open

Pets killed in Dexter apartment fire

Janet Mills is proposing these fee increases in her 2-year budget

MaineCF grants available to nonprofit organizations in all 16 counties

Northern Forest Center housing project proceeding

Collins announces more than $22.6M for homeless services in Maine

Snowmobile retrieved from Lake Wassookeag after falling through ice

Credit rating agency gives Northern Light a negative outlook

Camden National Bank celebrates 150th anniversary

Gordon Contracting awarded bid for Route 7, 15 intersection project

SAD 4, SAD 46 to submit new application for regional high school