
Grants awarded to Maine communities to address climate effects and increase energy efficiency

Dover-Foxcroft Kiwanis Piscataquis River Race results

Dover-Foxcroft select board signs June 11 warrant

Grange to honor community and Piscataquis County dispatchers

Monson Arts high school program gallery show opening reception

Milo Garden Club and Bearcats plant seeds of spring

A lasting legacy at Thompson Free Library

Maine prison gardening program gives inmates ‘meaning’

Memorial SeDoMoCha School buddy benches dedicated

Maine Credit Union League welcomes Baldacci as new president

Dover-Foxcroft residents approve $8.3M budget at town meeting

State rejects challenge of $1B Medicaid transportation contract to Colorado company
Retired educators news

These are ice-out fishing hotspots

GFWC Miosac Club Art Show winners

Gudroe receives Dexter’s MPA Principal’s Award