
This is what Maine’s referendum ballot will look like in November

EMDC launches program to empower post-2020 businesses

University of Maine at Augusta spring president’s and dean’s lists

Northern Light Health earns elite analytics designation

TCTC student a winner in Maine Potato Blossom Festival cooking contest

Bangor Savings Bank Foundation awards grants to strengthen community impact

Dexter council approves $6.9 million budget

UMaine-Farmington announces dean’s list

Rep. Foster stops by Route 7 BBQ

Piscataquis County’s lactation consultants provide breastfeeding support to families

Ridge View Community School third trimester honor roll

Officials urge caution when swimming after Maine man drowned while trying to save daughters

Maine lawmakers approve solar industry-backed tweaks to generous incentives

Pilot project will give care packages to every baby born in Piscataquis County

Penobscot County raises wages for 911 dispatchers to fight employee shortage

The public relations battle over Maine’s generous solar incentives