
ATVers seek a bigger piece of the gas tax

$120K in MaineCF grants support transportation programs across the state

Postal Service seeks residents help clearing a path to mailboxes

Mainely Character opens 2024 scholarship applications

December wind storm caused at least $20M in infrastructure damage

Victim services across Maine brace for 60-percent funding cut

Dexter council amends municipal medical insurance coverage

Maine’s snowmobile trails are better, although clubs still making repairs

MaineCF scholarships available to adult learners

Penquis receives grant from Maine Cancer Foundation for treatment transportation

Maine Revenue Services offers Maine Tax Portal Webinars for Individual Income Tax

Dexter Regional High School December Students of the Month

Devastated trails threaten Maine’s snowmobile season

New law would require realtors to disclose flood risk to potential property buyers

Penobscot County has $8.2M in pandemic funds left to distribute

Maine AmeriCorps Seniors Warm Heart, Warm Feet Sock Drive at Reny’s