
Dover-Foxcroft Firefighters Association Ice Fishing Derby returns this weekend

Calendar of events

Milo Garden Club news, spring thoughts and valentines

Foxcroft Academy to host Step-Up Night Feb. 26

UMaine Extension offers free virtual farm finance workshop focused on personal communication Feb. 28

Calendar of events

Greenville will go purple annually for Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month

Center Theatre celebrates Stutzman with Sidstock

District American Legion meeting Saturday

Gear up for Total Solar Eclipse experience on April 8

UMaine Extension offers virtual ‘Recipe to Market’ workshop Feb. 21

PCSWCD offers guided snowshoe under the Snow Moon

Milo’s Chili Cook Off Feb. 24

20th annual Chocolate Festival set for Feb. 18 in Greenville

Sessions of the Essentials of College Planning

Calendar of events