Maine and other states should join Denmark or Canada
To the Editor;
I was delighted to learn from an article (“If Trump seizes Greenland, Redditors say Denmark should take over Maine”) about the possibility that Maine might become part of Denmark or, alternatively, Canada.
Since we know Donald Trump is as good as his word, the only hurdle I see to this happening is the possibility that Denmark or Canada might not follow through because extending either’s generous social programs to a relatively poor state like ours might seem too expensive.
To sweeten the pot, I would recommend recruiting the other New England states to join us in this long overdue realignment of our interests. In total, New England is a prosperous region and would be a plum addition to either Denmark or Canada. Joining Denmark would also have the added benefit of European Union citizenship for us. However, there have been noises about Canada joining the EU if Trump erects a tariff barrier against our northern neighbor, so in that event EU membership might be open to us through either route.
God bless the Province of New England!
Michael McMillen