Baby & Me offers a supportive community for new and expecting parents
DOVER-FOXCROFT — Northern Light Mayo Hospital invites new and expecting parents to Baby & Me, a supportive, weekly gathering to discuss the unique ups and downs of pregnancy and the postpartum period.
Baby & Me is held every Wednesday from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. at the Thompson Free Library, 186 East Main Street. The course is open to all parents, including those who are expecting. There is no cost to attend. A certified lactation consultant will be on hand to offer lactation support and to help with any other feeding issues.
“Every parent has questions and faces challenges. At Baby & Me, we support one another through the emotional and physical challenges of carrying, birthing, and raising a baby. We’re a community to lean on, and all are welcome to join,” says Jessica Thibodeau, RN, BSN, IBCLC, an obstetrics nurse at Mayo Hospital and the coordinator of Baby & Me.
For more information, please contact the Mayo Hospital Birthing Center at 207-564-4293.