Ice fishing derbies galore!
By V. Paul Reynolds
It was a frigid late January day about 20 years ago. A stiff northwest wind was wafting surface snow off the lake. With my back to the wind and my gloves off, I reached into the bait bucket for a shiner and impaled it on a hook. With numb fingers, I dropped the shiner down the ice hole and set the red-flagged- tipup.
It was one of those days when ice fishing is not quite as enthralling as it can be on a windless March morning when the ascending sun can actually ward off the chill. Before that day was out, I was to make a pledge to myself that I would not keep.
“That’s it,” I mumbled to myself, “ I am through ice fishing!”
My snowsled, power auger and pack basket of tipups were gifted to my son. For the next 20 years, the ice fishing season for me was just a distant memory as Diane and I wintered in the sunny Florida Keys and fished for Mangrove Snapper in our shorts and T-shirts.
With Diane, my life partner, gone, the Keys have lost their allure for me. For that reason and others, including advancing age, this snowbird is staying put and plunging back into my roots, toughing out the Maine winters with the rest of you hardy souls.
And, oddly enough, a desire to get back out on the ice has been tugging at me. My tendency with outdoor memories is to cling to the good rather than the bad. So I am taking stock of Maine’s numerous statewide ice fishing derbies and making plans. You may want to as well. What follows is a list, which is considerable.
1. The Long Lake Ice Fishing Derby in the County Jan. 25-26. It is Maine’s largest derby that includes nine other lakes in the County. This derby boasts $70,000 worth of cash and prizes. There is also a big social night with a live band on the Friday night before the derby officially kicks off at 12:01 a.m. on Jan. 25. For more information, check out the derby website at www.longlakeicefishing derby.com.
2. The China Lake Four Seasons Club will host another huge derby Feb. 16 at China Lake. This is the 6th annual. According to the president of the China Lake Club, Tom Rumpf, there will be over $10,000.00 in door prizes and over $2,000.00 in fishing prizes. There is also a cash prize for the lunker of the day and a special white perch category for children 15 and under. Whether you fish or not, a $5.00 entry ticket makes you eligible for door prizes. For more derby info check out their website at: ChinaLakeIceFishingDerby.com.
3. The Schoodic Lake Ice Fishing Derby is always a popular event and takes place as usual on President’s Weekend Feb. 15-16, which is also Maine’s free fishing weekend when fishing licenses are not required. According to derby spokesman Don Richards, there will be lots of prizes for a number of different categories of fish.
4. The Moosehead Lake Togue Derby takes place again this year Jan. 31 to Feb. 2. For a number of years there has been a liberal catch limit of togue on the big lake in an effort to reduce the togue population, which competes with landlocked salmon for forage. Weight of the fish will determine winners. First prize for the heaviest togue is $1,500. For more info check out Moosehead Lake Annual Togue Derby or contact Tim O’Brey at tcobrey@gmail.com.
5. The Pushaw Lake 4th Annual Ice Fishing Derby is Feb.1-2. This is sponsored by the Pushaw Lake Snowmobile Club. There are some monster Pike in this lake, which can be a thrill to catch.
6. There is also an ice fishing derby at Great Pond Jan. 25.
There are a number of other ice fishing derbies being held throughout the state. To find a derby near you there is an online listing at Untamedmainer.com.
So get out there and take a youngster. Leave the I-phones at home and bring hot dogs, chips, and warm drinks. Oh yes, be sure to check for safe ice and stay safe! See you on the ice.
The author is editor of the Northwoods Sporting Journal. He is also a Maine Guide and host of a weekly radio program “Maine Outdoors” heard Sundays at 7 p.m. on The Voice of Maine News-Talk Network. He has authored three books. Online purchase information is available at www.sportingjournal.com.