
Joe Biden’s backpedaling on immigration language

To the Editor;

What to call Laken Riley’s alleged murderer has been a hot topic since President Joe Biden referred to him as an “illegal” in the State of the Union address. So how should we refer to him?  

Based on the recent White House fact sheet on the border bill which contains $1.4 billion for cities and states supplying services, the term “newcomer” may apply. Closely related is the term “new American” recently used here in Maine by the Mills administration touting the proposed creation of a new office to welcome the “newcomers.”

“Illegal alien” would be a correct legal definition based on federal law. All powerful Democrat fact checkers, however, would insist that the alleged murderer is merely “undocumented” since, oddly enough, calling an alleged murderer an illegal alien is considered dehumanizing.  

However, President Biden, when pressed about the use of the term “illegal” in his recent State of the Union speech and without benefit of his handlers’ note cards said technically not supposed to be here.” Probably his most honest answer, but now he’s backpedaling seemingly to align with the fact checkers. C’mon man!

Hubert Padgett


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