Contributed photo
CAUCUS ATTENDEES — Attending the Feb. 18 Garland Republican caucus were, from left, Rep. Steve Foster, R-Dexter; United States Senate candidate Demi Kouzounas; Sen. Stacey Guerin, R-Glenburn; 2nd District Congressional Primary candidates Rep. Austin Theriault, R-Fort Kent and Rep. Mike Soboleski, R-Phillips, and Penobscot County Commissioner Andre Cushing.
Contributed photo
CAUCUS ATTENDEES — Attending the Feb. 18 Garland Republican caucus were, from left, Rep. Steve Foster, R-Dexter; United States Senate candidate Demi Kouzounas; Sen. Stacey Guerin, R-Glenburn; 2nd District Congressional Primary candidates Rep. Austin Theriault, R-Fort Kent and Rep. Mike Soboleski, R-Phillips, and Penobscot County Commissioner Andre Cushing.
Record number of candidates address Garland Republican caucus
GARLAND — Six candidates addressed the Garland Republican caucus on Sunday, Feb. 18 at the former Garland Elementary School (now the town office building). After hearing the candidates, everyone enjoyed an abundant refreshment table.
Following the candidate forum and refreshments, the local Republicans completed their caucus agenda. Garland GOP Committee officers elected to serve for the next two years: Chairperson Mary Adams, Vice Chairperson Linda Haskell, Secretary Lisa Simonds, and Treasurer Sue Berryhill.
The caucus was dedicated to Jane Cushing (1931-2022) in remembrance of her tireless work for the Republican Party, and specifically her guidance in helping to conduct many Garland caucuses.

CAUCUS ATTENDEES — Attending the Feb. 18 Garland Republican caucus were, from left, Rep. Steve Foster, R-Dexter; United States Senate candidate Demi Kouzounas; Sen. Stacey Guerin, R-Glenburn; 2nd District Congressional Primary candidates Rep. Austin Theriault, R-Fort Kent and Rep. Mike Soboleski, R-Phillips, and Penobscot County Commissioner Andre Cushing.
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