Legal services presentation at Dexter Age Friendly Tea Talks
DEXTER — Ever wonder who you should assign to handle your medical and financial affairs if, some day, you become incapacitated? Julie Ann Mallett, senior staff attorney with Legal Services for the Elderly, will be guest speaker at Dexter Age Friendly’s Tea Talks on Thursday, Feb. 8 at 10 a.m. Mallett will be speaking about legal planning tools for seniors, including powers of attorney, health care advance directives and wills.

Mallett has worked with Legal Services for the Elderly for over 20 years. The program will be held at Gatherings4Main across from the post office in Dexter. Refreshments will be served. Bring your questions and concerns and learn what help is available to those facing some of life’s most difficult decisions. Legal Services for the Elderly provides high quality legal services to socially and economically needy Mainers aged 60 and over. For more, call 207-924-7292.