
Hundreds of MaineCF scholarships available

The Maine Community Foundation offers more than 700 scholarships available to graduating high school seniors, graduate students, and adult learners pursuing myriad areas of study and professional certifications.

In 2023, MaineCF awarded $3.23 million in scholarships to 1,357 students, including older, nontraditional students who returned to school. MaineCF offers both long-term support for adult learners seeking degrees and short-term scholarships for earning workplace credentials and licenses.

“There is no part of Maine we don’t reach and MaineCF scholarships offer support to students of all backgrounds and from all corners of the state,” said Jackie Shannon, MaineCF scholarship manager.

This spring, MaineCF will travel across the state to host workshops during which students and families can get answers to frequently asked questions and application support.  

For more information about MaineCF’s scholarships, to apply for a scholarship or find a workshop near you, visit

The Maine Community Foundation brings people and resources together to build a better Maine through strategic giving, community leadership, personalized service, local expertise and strong investments. To learn more about the foundation, visit

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