
Excited about bucks being tagged

To the Editor;

I am excited to read the articles by Julie Harris about hunters in Maine who have been tagging bucks over 200 pounds this season.

The Maine Sportsman magazine awards patches to these hunters, and publishes an annual list of qualifying names for the Biggest Bucks in Maine Club in each year’s February issue. To qualify for the patch, hunters must fill out a form and have a tagging station attendant, state official, or meat processor certify the weight.

Forms can be printed from on our website (look under “Patch Club Forms”), or we can mail applications to hunters from our office. Payment is $15 for the patch, or $35 if the hunter wants to include a one-year subscription.

Replacement patches and stickers are also available. 

Other patches include a Youth Deer Hunter patch for younger hunters, and a Grand Slam patch.  Congratulations to all successful hunters in Maine, over or under 200 pounds!

Carol Lund

Office Manager

The Maine Sportsman magazine


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