GFWC/Miosac Club News
DOVER-FOXCROFT — The GFWC/Miosac Club met Nov. 7 at the Dover-Foxcroft Congregational Church chapel. President Minnie McCormick called the meeting to order, welcoming all and thanking hostesses Suzanne Raymond and Betsey Ryan and program chair Laurie Ducat. Suzanne Raymond led the Collect, Pledge of Allegiance and American’s Creed.
Secretary Diane Leighton took roll call with members answering with how they met their husbands. The secretary’s report was read and accepted as read.
Corresponding Secretary Roxy McGlauflin read thank you notes from District President Jen Mabee, who spoke about the GFWC Leads Program and Ramona Parcell who was recently married. Treasurer Suzanne Raymond gave her report which was accepted as read.
Brenda Quiet announced the next meeting will be Nov. 21 with Anne Cress and Diane Leighton as hostesses. Wendy Hutchins, program chairperson, will present Pine Tree Hospice.
Under unfinished business, members voted not to participate in the Masons’ tree festival. As in the past we will continue with the Kiwanis children’s Christmas program.
Brenda Quiet filled us in on needed items for Pleasant Meadows residents, and we will contribute monthly.
Discussion took place as to what to do for the Christmas party at the home of Hutchins on Dec. 5 – more discussion at the next meeting.
The meeting was adjourned and Program Chairperson Laurie Ducat instructed members as to what to do. She brought clay ornaments and paints for us to paint for a Christmas tree. Delicious refreshments were served.