
Moose on the Run results

GREENVILLE — Greenville Recreation and Camden National Bank hosted the 21st annual Moose on the Run Sunday, Oct. 8 with the following results over the 5K (3.1 miles) course:

1. Craig Duffin 24 minutes, 56 seconds; 2. Casey Derhak 26:04; T-3. Sierra Valente and Taylor Valente 27:39; 5. Holland Rockwell 27:56; 6. Joanna Smith 28:08; 7. Nathan Stirling 28:44; 8. Jessica Richard 29:44; 9. Chrissy Shaw 33:03; 10. Corliss Dewitt 34:56;

11. Dawson Gravelle 35:40; 12. Magge Shaw 35;53; 13. Shannon Gravelle 36:48; 14. Sam Simko 37:56; 15. Brielle Gravelle 37:57; 16. Cris Simko 37:58; 17. John Simko 38:00.

For photos, please see the Greenville Maine Recreation Center Facebook page at

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