
GFWC MIOSAC Club holds final meetings for 2023

DOVER-FOXCROFT — On Saturday, May 20, six members of the GFWC MIOSAC Club, armed with rakes, clippers, and black trash bags, arrived to clean the Marion Doore Park in town. That has been the Club’s responsibility for many years. Doore was a member of the club.

Yellow tulips they planted last fall are doing well and are beautiful. The club will plant more in the fall. The tulips are part of a national Yellow Tulips project.

At that time the daffodils were in bloom as well. They were very pleased that John Dumont, teacher at the SeDoMoCha, stopped by and offered bug spray, cold drinks, and more black bags. Dumont will also pick up the bags and take them to the landfill. Thank you, they appreciated the help.

The trees at the park are in bloom now and are beautiful! Some of the trees were given in memory of club members. The Doore sisters, Lil Herring and Pat Merrill to name a few. The club hopes people continue to enjoy the park. There are benches to sit on to relax. Please be sure to keep it clean and neat.

Photo courtesy of GFWC MIOSAC Club
MAY BASKETS — GFWC MIOSAC Club President Minnie McCormick, center, and Club Publicist Vicki Moschella, left, went to Hibbard’s Nursing Home on May 4. They delivered 70 May baskets that were made by club members in April. Kathy Ryder, employee of Hibbard’s Nursing Home, received the May baskets and had them distributed to their clients. Ryder is also a MIOSAC Club member.

Members participating in the cleanup were Suzanne Raymond, Barb Austin, Diane Leighton, Roxy McGlauflin, Minnie McCormick, and Chair Rheba Michaud.

The GFWC MIOSAC Club met at the Congregational Church May 2 with 11 members present for the annual meeting. President McCormick unveiled the”piece of the puzzle” while members enjoyed the brown bag supper. The puzzle piece will go to the Spring Convention to be put with the other club’s pieces.

McCormick read a poem and called the meeting to order.

Moschella led the Club Collect, Pledge of Allegiance, and the American Creed.

Secretary Leighton took roll call followed by her report of the last meeting. It was accepted as read.

Photo courtesy of GFWC MIOSAC Club
The Marion Doore Park in Dover-Foxcroft

Corresponding Secretary Roxy McGlauflin read thank you notes from GFWC Maine President Maureen Provencal, the library, and Pine Tree Hospice.

Treasurer Raymond gave the report which was accepted as read.

The Advisory Committee, Quiet, Raymond, and McGlauflin, did a drum roll, flag waving, and balloon popping to reveal where our 87th club birthday dinner would be held! They dined at the Craft Cafe in Guilford on May 16.

Vickie Parsons reported four members were ill.

Moschella reported the MIOSAC publicity would be in the Piscataquis Observer. She will also chair the yard sale on July 15.

Old business: Treasurer Raymond prepared ballots to vote for three businesses to receive a donation from the club. She will send checks soon. 

Five will attend the Spring Convention in Bangor.

The meeting was adjourned and the annual meeting was called to order. This meeting is for 2022-23.

Secretary Leighton gave a wonderful report of all the meetings. The report included the topics, number of members attending, projects, and contributions.

Treasurer Raymond gave the financial report on what they spent and what was earned.  Fortunately they are in the black to start the new year in 2023-24. The annual meeting was then adjourned.

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