
Threat of the breakup of the family

To the Editor;

We have some people that think the greatest threat to children’s welfare is living in poverty. I have to disagree. I was born in 1935 and America was in the middle of a Great Depression and “jobs” were very hard to find and there were many families living in poverty, “way more than you have today.” And parents would deprive themselves for the welfare of their children and we did not have overprotective parents and they did not need money to give their children “love and affection” along with teaching personal responsibility and to teach the Golden Rule, “to treat others as you want to be treated.”

So you should understand it’s not lack of money that’s a threat to children’s welfare, but the breakup of the family with children growing up in one parent homes — most run by women. 

To be a better husband and a better wife, pay close attention to these “words.” Your marriage will become stronger and your children will benefit, and keep in-laws away that meddle in your marriage.

The woman came out of a man’s rib; not from his feet “to be waited on,” not from his head “to be superior.” But from the side “to be equal” under the arm “to be protected” and next to the heart “to be loved.” Think about these words and try very hard to live by them. I find that some men and women think that life is all about “me, myself, and I.” 

Joseph Riitano, Sr. 


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