
Democrats passed a responsible state budget

To the Editor;

The recent column by Matt Gagnon arguing that Republicans should walk away from budget negotiations is misguided and does a disservice to Mainers. Gagnon suggests that the budget is radical, but in reality, it is a responsible plan that prioritizes the needs of Maine’s communities and families.

The budget passed last week provides crucial funding for education, healthcare, and other essential programs that Mainers rely on. It invests in schools, expands access to healthcare, and helps lift up those who have been left behind by our economy. The budget reflects the values and priorities of our state.

By contrast, I think Republicans have consistently shown more interest in playing politics than serving the needs of Maine’s people. They’ve repeatedly blocked efforts to improve health care, education, and other critical services, all while pushing for tax cuts that benefit the wealthy more than everyone else.

In my opinion, Democrats are the party that have the best interests of Mainers at heart. They’re committed to building a brighter future for our state, one where everyone has access to the opportunities and resources they need to thrive. I believe that budgets should reflect the priorities of the people, not just the whims of partisan politics.

This budget is a responsible plan that will help to make Maine a better place to live, work, and raise a family. I call on all of our elected representatives to work together in good faith to continue to move our state forward.

Michael Beck

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