
Penquis Valley High School fourth quarter honor roll

Grade 12, high honors: Joslyn Black, Savannah Boislard, AnnaJo Conklin, Haylee Gauvin, Destiny Golden, Salena Goodine, Zakary Mills, Angelina Roberts and Courtney Rouleau; honors: Lauren Bolstridege, Lealia Chadwick, Austin Clukey, Ethan Johnson, Tevor Saunders and Jamus Winfield.

Grade 11, high honors: Grady Atkinson; honors: Angela Bryden, Justin Chambers, Bethany Clements, Jerico Jay, Hope Lovell, Emily McKinnon, Alvin Robshaw and Kasside Witham.

Grade 10, high honors: Imaan Ali, Victoria Boislard, Abigail Conlogue, Adam Lewis, Ida-Grace Lundin and Aileen Strout; honors: Syreniti Grant, Evan Horne, Andrew Lapointe and Katie Weed.

Grade nine, high honors: Layla Chai; honors: Cassandra Boislard, Tyler Grant, Andrew McDonough, Gavin McDonough and Dylan McKenzie.

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