Housing development slated for Spruce Street in Greenville
GREENVILLE — Recognizing that affordably priced housing for the workforce is a critical element to supporting the economic growth in the Moosehead Region, the Moosehead Lake Region Economic Development Corporation has made the decision to acquire a 5.25-acre property on Spruce Street and is now seeking a development partner to help address this need.
On Jan. 21 the MLREDC hosted a Zoom meeting facilitated by Greenville Town Manager Mike Roy to present the concept and get input from townspeople regarding this exciting project. “I thought we had a very positive meeting with the community last evening regarding our project on Spruce Street,” wrote Steve Levesque, MLREDC president, in an email dated Jan. 22. “The people who attended feel we are on the right track with our concept.”
The next step is to secure a qualified development partner who can help build a very nice new neighborhood in Greenville, with homes that can be reasonably purchased by local residents. This project is not intended for vacation homes or seasonal rentals. To keep these units affordably priced, MLREDC plans to work with the Maine State Housing Authority and others to facilitate infrastructure improvements, as well as the availability of low interest rate home loans. Because the original subdivision plan is now over 10 years old, that process will be renewed.
If you are interested in this development or are a developer looking for a worthwhile project, contact the Greenville Town Office for information. The number is 207-695-7927.