Photo courtesy of Roman Catholic Diocese of Portland
WORSHIPPING IN SPIRIT -- Fr. Aaron Damboise had pews filled with pictures of parishioners during the Easter Mass at Holy Family Church in Greenville.
Photo courtesy of Roman Catholic Diocese of Portland
WORSHIPPING IN SPIRIT -- Fr. Aaron Damboise had pews filled with pictures of parishioners during the Easter Mass at Holy Family Church in Greenville.
Pictures of parishioners fill the pews at Holy Family Church on Easter
Contributed, Special to the Piscataquis Observer •April 13, 2020
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, pews across Maine were empty during live-streamed Masses at parishes across the state for Holy Week and Easter Sunday (April 12). That was not the case at Holy Family Church in Greenville, thanks to the inspired creativity of parish staff looking to offer support to Fr. Aaron Damboise, pastor of the parish as well as St. Anthony of Padua Parish in Jackman.
GREENVILLE — Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, pews across Maine were empty during live-streamed Masses at parishes across the state for Holy Week and Easter Sunday (April 12).
That was not the case at Holy Family Church in Greenville, thanks to the inspired creativity of parish staff looking to offer support to Fr. Aaron Damboise, pastor of the parish as well as St. Anthony of Padua Parish in Jackman.
“We printed pictures of probably 100 parishioners so we could fill the church and let (Fr. Damboise) know everyone was there in spirit!” said Bette DiAngelo, administrative assistant at the parish.
Photo courtesy of Roman Catholic Diocese of Portland
WORSHIPPING IN SPIRIT — Fr. Aaron Damboise had pews filled with pictures of parishioners during the Easter Mass at Holy Family Church in Greenville.
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