
Save our town hall? 

To the Editor;

We are at a crossroads about the future of the Sangerville Town Hall Building. Some factions have the opinion the town hall costs too much to keep in use.


Options I’ve heard include to “mothball”, sell or demo it. None of which keep it as a good identity for Sangerville. 


Recent inspections reveal some possible structural issues with estimates up to $300,000 in costs. Problems that are important to address, are to insurance and safety reasons need to be dealt with, but that costs money from us, the Taxpayers. 


The future of the town hall will partially be made as an article for discussion at our town meeting 6 p.m. on Thursday, March 12 at the Grace Bible Church multi-use room. Your opinions will help chart what its future will be. 


Personally, I would say losing this landmark for the identity of Sangerville is a one way street – once gone, it’s gone forever. 


As a retired engineer told me, “This building will be here long after we’re gone” . . . But only if we choose to save it. 

Thomas Carone


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