State regent visits Tisbury Manor Chapter
DOVER-FOXCROFT — Tisbury Manor Chapter NSDAR (National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution) welcomed new Maine State DAR Regent Beverly Robbins to the September meeting. Robbins introduced her State Regent Project to the group.
During her 3-year term, she intends to combine her interest in serving American veterans and the homeless by making the Togus Cabin in the Woods program the focus of her State Regent’s Project.

Contributed photo
VISIT FROM THE STATE REGENT — New Maine State DAR Regent Beverly Robbins recently visited the Tisbury Manor Chapter NSDAR (National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution). Front, from left, are Robbins, Kathy Normandin and Bunny Knight. Back, Jane Macomber, Nancy Trogdon, Kimberly Morgan, Cori Todd, Nancy Battick, Samantha Morgan, Linda Packard, Colleen Taylor, Barbara Joyce and Kelly Stevens.
“The Cabin in the Woods program includes 22 bedroom cottages built on the Togus property expressly for veterans, but there is land to build more cottages if funding comes in, and there are day-to-day operating expenses for the cabins that are already constructed,” said Robbins. “Supporting volunteers in America’s Cabin in the Woods program will be a great way for Maine Daughters to thank our veterans for establishing and defending our freedom over the last 243 years.”
Members enjoyed meeting Robbins and hearing about her project. Of course, there was cake.
For information on Tisbury Manor Chapter NSDAR, email tisbury_manor@mainedar.org, visit www.mainedar.org/tisburymanor or https://www.facebook.com/tisburymanordar.