Three Beliefs coming to Holy Family Church
GREENVILLE — Released in 2017, Three Beliefs (www.portlanddiocese.org/threebeliefs) is a document that offers Maine Catholics valuable assistance, guidance and information regarding end-of-life issues.
This fall Suzanne Lafreniere, the public policy director for the Diocese of Portland, will offer free presentations at Maine parishes to discuss the document and help Catholics understand the Church’s teaching on the topic. One such presentation will be at the Holy Family Church at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 16.
Three Beliefs is produced by the Diocese of Portland and includes an explanation of Catholic teaching on life-sustaining treatment and care; an introductory letter from Bishop Robert P. Deeley; the Maine Advance Directive form modified to ensure consistency with both Catholic teaching and Maine law; a helpful FAQ section; and wallet cards containing important information for healthcare providers.
“Making the difficult choices surrounding end-of-life medical care and sharing them with family and friends now can ensure that your beliefs about the sanctity of human life, the appropriateness of medical care, and the dignity of the dying process are known in advance so they can be met in the future,” said Bishop Deeley.