2019 Piscataquis River Festival celebrates forest industry heritage

Observer photo/Stuart Hedstrom
GOT WOOD? — The annual Piscataquis River Festival returned to Guilford on Saturday with a morning parade celebrating the theme “Got Wood?” Riverfest mascot Woody, left on float, had his own hype man during the procession.

Observer photo/Stuart Hedstrom
100TH ANNIVERSARY — What today is known as Hardwood Products/Puritan Medical Products is celebrating its 100th anniversary in 2019 and a company float reflected the milestone during the annual Piscataquis River Festival on July 27 in Guilford. This year’s festival theme “Got Wood?” also helped celebrate the company and its products. The float would earn first-place honors in the parade judging competition.

Observer photo/Stuart Hedstrom
THE CHAMPS ARE HERE — Members of the Piscataquis Community Elementary School Penquis League 2018-19 champions in girls soccer and basketball and softball traveled in this year’s Piscataquis River Festival parade.

Observer photo/Stuart Hedstrom
CUTTING DOWN SOME BIG TREES — Paul Bunyan (portrayed by Ben Folsom) and Babe ride on the Guilford Memorial Library float in Saturday’s parade. The float earned second-place honors from the parade judges, and the Abbot ATV Club finished in third place. Cohen Sands won the $500 prize in the Masons’ duck race.