
Downtown Greenville plan unveiling Aug. 2

GREENVILLE — Think green. Think cool, crystal clear waters. Think about what the Moosehead Lake Region Economic Development Corporation (MLREDC) has been working on for downtown Greenville. To learn more about this transformative initiative, plan to attend a reception and information session on Friday, Aug. 2 at 11 a.m. Refreshments are free, and speakers will share the MLREDC’s plans. The event will be held at 3 Lakeview Street directly across from the Center for Moosehead History. Look for the tent..

Earlier this year, the MLREDC signed an option agreement with E.J. Richardson and his family to purchase the last remaining green space on the shorefront of Moosehead Lake in downtown Greenville. The agreement reflects a partnership between the Richardson family and the MLREDC to provide public access to the lake, help revitalize downtown and spur additional investment and economic growth.

The initiative was guided by recommendations generated through discussions with community residents and business owners about the future of our region and town and presented in two 2017 reports: Moosehead Lake Region Strategic Action Plan by Future IQ and the Downtown Greenville Master Plan by the Musson Group.

Come learn more about this exciting initiative on Aug. 2. Think green! Think cool, crystal clear waters!

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