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Come join the fun! Monson Summerfest 2019

MONSON– Monson’s annual Summerfest, on Saturday, July 20, is approaching fast and, according to organizer Dee Adams, this will be the best fest yet.

“Every year it gets a little bit bigger and a little bit better,” she said. Adams has been involved for the past four years, and has helped craft it into a favorite family event. “We like to cater especially to the families,” she said. “We do our best to see that things are affordable for all. Behind the Community Building we have the ‘Spectacular Field Games’, which includes a Bouncy House, an obstacle course and lots of fun games for the kids. Northern Light Health is sponsoring a ‘Sprinkler Walk’ and Mayo Regional Hospital will hold a ‘Teddy Bear Clinic.’”

Eric Vainio, one of Monson’s three selectman, plans to attend. “I’ve recently moved back to the family home after having had a career in forestry for various companies including Great Northern, Champion Paper, and Verso,” he said. “I look forward to this Summerfest every year. There will be all sorts of games to play from 10 a.m. to noon on the field behind the Community House. Pastor David Ray of the Monson Community Church will be in charge. There will be all sorts of different games with prizes to be won and face painting and a scavenger hunt too.”

He paused a moment and grinned. “There’s also a ‘Touch a Truck’ for the kids from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. – we will have quite a variety of trucks on hand for that!”

Monson Summerfest

Observer file photo/Stuart Hedstrom
TRYING THEIR BEST TO STAY AFLOAT — Over a half dozen groups of paddlers tried to traverse the Lake Hebron cove from the boat launch to the Lakeshore House dock during the 2018 Anything Floats Race as part of the annual Monson Summerfest. The “Blue Lightning” float ended up reaching the finish line first to claim top honors with the “Pirate Ship” coming in second and “Magic Carpet Ride” and the “Sunken Canoe” tying for third place. “False Trail” earned a ribbon for the most creative float and the Lakeshore House entrant earned most comical honors.

Everything starts fairly early. There’s a tri-athlete event — the Slateman Race, organized by John Wentworth. It consists of a mile run, mile paddle on Lake Hebron and a mile bike ride. Registration begins at 7:15 a.m. and the race starts at 8 a.m.

At 9:30 a.m. Steve Dauphinee of Dauphinee’s Lumbermill in Willamantic will be demonstrating the Alaskan Saw Mill, a portable unit that can cut logs into boards right in the woodlot.

Annalee Libby, who has been involved with the Summerfest since the beginning, is in charge of the Crafters. “For the day, we have about ten craft tents and displays set up so far,” she said. “Anyone who does artisan and craft work and would like to be part of this year’s Summerfest, it’s not too late to set up a booth.” You may call Libby at (207)-944-0798 if you are a craftsperson and are interested in being part of this year’s event.

“I’m especially looking forward to the Dunk Tank,” Vainio chuckled. “Our town manager Daniel Swain will be sitting in the chair of honor. I expect to spend a lot of money there!” Come join Vainio at the Dunk Tank from noon to 4 p.m. Jimmy Erickson has also graciously volunteered for the chair so Swain can have a well-deserved break.

Speaking of water, the very popular ‘Anything Floats’ race is slated for 2:30 p.m. at the public boat launch on Lake Hebron. Registration for this sometimes-hilarious event begins at 2 p.m.

The ‘Closest Ball’ Golf contest begins at noon and ends at 2 p.m., and the Community Band will be playing during that same time slot – from noon to 1:30 p.m. The kids games continue until 4 p.m.
There’s so much more – an amateur photography contest (photos must be turned in to Spring Creek Barbecue by Wednesday. July 17), pottery demonstrations by the Monson Pottery Workshop, Ginny Zimmerman’s famous cribbage tournament at the Town Hall meeting room, beer and cheese tasting at Turning Page Farm from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Additional events are listed on the town of Monson’s Facebook page.
Later, The Center Theatre Monson Summer Drama Camp presents “Bed Bugs” at 4 p.m. The Alumni Banquet is at 5:30 p.m. – of course all Monson alumni welcome. Later at the Lakeshore House in downtown Monson you can attend a great concert – Chris Ross and The North will be playing at 8 p.m. You can call the Lakeshore House at (207)-997-7069 for information. To find tickets, which are $20 dollars apiece, visit eventbrite.com, which can also be accessed on Facebook.

“In the evening we will feature fireworks on the ballfield behind the gym at the community building,” Adams said. “Fireworks start shortly after 9 p.m. so bring your folding chairs and enjoy. This fireworks display is one of the best around – its really awesome!” she exclaimed. Come join the fun in Monson! For more information please call Adams at (207)-249-2850.

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