
Greenville hires new town manager

By Shelagh Talbot

GREENVILLE — After a long and exhaustive search, Greenville has hired a new town manager. His name is Michael Roy, and he hails from Winslow. He and his wife Wendy purchased a camp overlooking Moosehead Lake seven years ago and shortly thereafter decided that Greenville would be their forever home after retirement. Roy is retiring from a long held management position at FedEx and will take over as town manager on July 1.

His contract is for three years with an annual salary of  $68,000.

“I started seeking opportunities here in Greenville. This position came up on the town website. I jumped at the opportunity,” Roy said. “I’d like to work with the Select Board and employees of the town for the good of the citizens of Greenville to bring continuity and also work on continuing initiatives while keeping the integrity of this beautiful small town.”

Jack Hart, who has served as interim town manager for several months, will be mentoring Roy as he learns the ropes. “We’re very glad Mike will be serving the town in this capacity,” Hart said. “He has made it clear that this is the town he chooses to serve and where he wants to be for the long run.”

Roy said he is excited to begin his new career.

“I am a firm believer in having an open door policy as town manager and believe that a please and a thank-you goes a long way,” he said. “I’m a respectful person, and hope in turn to earn the respect of the people of Greenville.”

Roy and his wife have recently completed their “forever home” near Wilson Pond. Wendy is a school assistant principal in Waterville but relishes coming to Greenville at every opportunity. “We’re here just about every weekend and during vacations,” she said. “We feel at home here. I am so happy that Mike wants to serve the town, and I support him 100 percent in this opportunity.”

Family is most important to Mike and Wendy and they are delighted that their three children and other family members share in their love of Greenville. “Our family makes us tick, and our family wants to spend time in Greenville, too,” she said.

“Since we’ve been here, my siblings have ventured up and now my sister and her husband own the former Cottage flower shop,” Mike said. “It’s now a second home for them and my brother and his wife have a place in the Highlands where they are building a camp. In addition, Wendy’s brother and sister-in-law just purchased a condo as a second home in Greenville; they have fallen in love with this area just as we have.”

Roy is interested in promoting Greenville and all the options this small town provides. “I would like to see Greenville become a destination place again and see the downtown grow,” he said. “It would be good to gain additional small businesses to help with the town’s tax base. I’d also like to see Greenville attract people to stop as they drive through. This town has so many good things to offer.”

As he prepares for this new chapter in his life, Roy wants townsfolk to understand that he’s not looking to make sweeping changes, just make things work better all around. He looks forward to hearing the concerns of residents and will be available to them.

“I need to get my feet on the ground in this new position,” he said. “But I am certainly open to new ideas and suggestions. My family and I were looking for a better quality of life – I believe we’ve found it here in Greenville, so serving as town manager is a way to give back to this community we love so much.”

After July 1st, you will be able to meet Roy at the town office at 7 Minden Street in Greenville. Call the town office at 207/695-2421 for further information.


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