
Dexter Kiwanis holds 10th annual Hooked on Fishing event

DEXTER — Recently Ridge View Community School fourth-graders participated in the annual “Hooked on Fishing” event sponsored the Dexter Sunrise Kiwanis and held at a private pond.

Prior to the fishing trip, Kiwanians helped the students learn casting skills in their gym classes. Each student had the option of releasing or keeping the fish they caught. If they decided to keep the fish(only one permitted per student) it was cleaned by Laurie Calhoun — a member of the Dexter Fish and Game — packaged with ice, placed in a cooler and returned to the student at the end of the school day to be taken home.

Dexter Sunrise Kiwanis Hooked on Fishing

Photo courtesy of Dexter Sunrise Kiwanis
GETTING KIDS HOOKED ON FISHING — A grade 4 class, with teacher Jenn Barton, from the Ridge View Community School in Dexter took part in a recent Dexter Sunrise Kiwanis Hooked on Fishing event. Students fished a private pond in Dexter stocked with rainbow and brook trout.

This program was supported by a donation from the Dexter Fish and Game. Ridge View provided a school bus and driver and Toots Variety donated all the fishing supplies. Kiwanians were there to help bait hooks and untangle lines as well as community volunteers including Kevin Wintle and Allen Drew from the Dexter Police Department, Ken Irvin, Jim Ellis, Bill Jones, Peter Haskell, Laurie Calhoun and Maine Game Warden Will Shuman.

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