U.S. Rep. Golden tours Milo
MILO — U.S. Rep. Jared Golden, D-Maine spent Saturday, May 25 visiting with constituents from the Milo/Brownville area and touring local businesses. The day began with coffee and doughnuts at American Legion Post 41 of Milo where the Second District Congressman spoke individually with some veterans and then addressed the group thanking veterans for their service and reflecting on the significance of Memorial Day.
From the Legion Golden proceeded to the Derby Shops where Chad Mowery, Gaynor Ryan and Ryan Ratledge, representing the Central Maine and Quebec Railway, provided a tour of the redevelopment of the facility and answered the many questions from the group regarding workforce needs and work conducted at the site.

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GOLDEN TOUR — U.S. Rep. Jared Golden, D-Maine toured the Milo area on Saturday, May 25 meeting with constituents and touring local businesses. The Second District Congressman had the opportunity to see artifacts at the Harrigan Learning Center & Museum with facility namesake Tom Harrigan.
The next stop for the Congressman was the Veterans Memorial at the Evergreen Cemetery where Ronnie Knowles spoke personally with Golden about the building of the memorial and the many veterans’ stories represented there. From here the group moved to the Three Rivers Kiwanis complex and the Greater Milo/Brownville Area and Points North Visitor Center where lunch was hosted by Tom and Nancy Harrigan.
After lunch and conversation with invited guests, Golden visited the Harrigan Learning Center & Museum before moving outside to view the future site of a solar farm which has been in the works for some time. Nick Mazuroski, who represents Dirigo Solar, explained the plans in detail. Construction should be underway before the end of this year.

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MILO HAPPENINGS — Milo Town Manager/Police Chief Damien Pickel speaks with U.S. Rep. Jared Golden, D-Maine on May 25 at the Derby Shops.
The Congressman wrapped up the afternoon with a visit to Bissell Brothers Brewery where Mathew Robinson led a tour of the brewery which is operated by Noah and Peter Bissell who grew up in Milo. Golden spoke with numerous constituents while enjoying the sunny weather.