Memorial Day events around the region
D-F Memorial Day parade itinerary
DOVER-FOXCROFT — Chadbourne-Merrill American Legion Post 29 will be conducting a Memorial Day parade in Dover-Foxcroft at 10 a.m. on Monday, May 27.
The parade will form at Dave’s World on Summer Street at 9:30 a.m., and at 10 a.m. the procession will march to Monument Square for a ceremony honoring service members who have perished in past wars. The keynote address will be given by America Legion Post 29 Commander Adrienne Clarke.
Parade participants will then march to the East Main Street bridge for the Unit Auxiliary to conduct a service for all service members who have died at sea. The procession will continue to the courthouse where it will be disbanded.
The parade will feature the Foxcroft Academy marching band, the Piscataquis County Sheriff’s Office honor guard and veterans from Post 29, among others.
The Legion would like to invite all veterans and members of local civic groups to join in this year’s parade. For more information, please contact Dennis Lyford at 564-3371.
Annual procession in Milo
MILO — The annual Memorial Day parade on Monday, May 27, in Milo will form at the American Legion on West Main Street. The parade steps off at 10 a.m. and proceeds to the bridge for the Naval ceremony. From there the procession continues to Evergreen Cemetery for the placing of wreaths at the Civil War, World War I and World War II monuments and further ceremonies and speakers.
Parades set for Abbot, Guilford and Sangerville
Conner-Trafton American Legion Post 119 of Guilford and Stott-Flanders American Legion Post 165 of Sangerville will be conducting three Memorial Day Parades on Monday, May 27.
The first parade will be in Sangerville starting by the Old Brick Mill at 8:30 a.m. The procession will stop at the bridge to lay a wreath and continue to the Village Cemetery.
The second parade will be in Guilford starting by the Elmwood Cemetery at 9:30 a.m. It will stop at the bridge to lay a wreath and continue to the Guilford Veterans’ Memorial.
The third Parade will be in Abbot starting by the town office at 10:30 a.m. and ending at the Veterans’ Memorial.
All area veterans are invited to join any or all of these parades. For any questions please contact Post 119 Commander Brian Knowlton at 270-0194.