Watersheds 2.0 talk May 31
GREENVILLE — Can you define what a watershed is? To go a step further, can you name what watershed you live in? A watershed is an area of land where all water that falls in it flows across the land to the same waterbody. The bodies of water we live near are surrounded by forests, streams, people, cars, houses and everything in between; all of these are parts of our watersheds. Understanding how these “parts” impact watersheds, helps us all to protect and conserve our water resources.
The Piscataquis County Soil and Water Conservation District (PCSWCD) is excited to be offering a Watersheds 2.0 talk on Friday, May 31 from 6-8 p.m. in Greenville at the Masonic Lodge. District staff encourage folks to join to learn about local watersheds.
The presenters for the Watersheds 2.0 talk are Greg Beane, environmental specialist Maine DEP; Jamin Johanson, ecological site specialist USDA-NRCS, Soil and Plant Science Division; and Sean Birkel, Maine state climatologist University of Maine. These presenters will discuss the history of watershed formation, how water moves through a watershed and the changes caused by human and climate impact. The three will provide information, data and statistics in their presentations and will conclude their talk with a brief field portion on Moosehead Lake, where they will be able to provide first-hand examples of concepts discussed.
The PCSWCD is excited to bring this essential, informative and interesting talk to Piscataquis County. To attend this free event, please RSVP by calling 564-2321 ext. 3 or sending an email to info@piscataquisswcd.org. For more information on the Watersheds 2.0 discussion or any other district event, feel free to contact the PCSWCD and visit www.piscataquisswcd.org.