
PCSWCD offers edible foraging workshop June 1

DOVER-FOXCROFT — The Piscataquis County Soil and Water Conservation District (PCSWCD) is pleased to present a morning wild edible foraging workshop on Saturday, June 1 with Maine naturalist and author Tom Seymour. Seymour has presented wild plant seminars across the state and district officials are excited to welcome him to Piscataquis County.

Seymour will be taking the group on a field trip to the Law Farm, one of PCSWCD’s public lands, and finishing at Browns Mill Park, both located in Dover-Foxcroft. Seymour will walk with participants on the land while identifying and explaining the uses and properties of wild plants in the Maine woods. He will also explain how to use wild plants as substitutes for more familiar vegetables and how these plants add their own unique flavors, textures and aromas to easy-to-prepare meals.

Seymour has written several books on hiking, fishing, birding and foraging wild plants in New England, along with magazine and journal articles featuring his knowledge and passion for the outdoors.

Registration is required for this event. This workshop will start at 10 a.m. at the Law Farm located on Lee Cemetery Road. Attendees should bring a bagged lunch (or pick your own) and all participants will have the option to explore a second location, Browns Mill Park, to discover plants along the shores of the Piscataquis River. You can find more information about Seymour at

If you are curious to learn more about wild edible foraging and would like to come to this workshop, please contact the PCSWCD at 564-2321 ext. 3 or or visit to register.

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