PCEDC supports Mayo merger, for the economic future of our county
A prosperous and vibrant community cannot exist without schools and hospitals! Roger Books shared this thought as he worked with the Moosehead Lake region on rebranding efforts over three years ago. By increasing population and advancing community prosperity, Roger helped us realize investing in our communities directly impacts our schools and hospitals. Conversely, a loss of a school or hospital spells certain death and decline for our communities.
The Piscataquis County Economic Development Council (PCEDC) seeks to stimulate long-term sustainable economic growth in our region. Whether the goal is in helping new businesses start, assisting expanding businesses, or attracting new employers; certain community assets such as access to health care, quality education and a diverse workforce, are paramount in the ability to execute on our mission and affect economic prosperity throughout Piscataquis County. Mayo Regional Hospital represents one of those key assets.
Mayo Regional Hospital provides Piscataquis and Penobscot County residents and visitors with access to high quality health care. Access to healthcare ensures our current residents receive care locally and helps to attract new residents through their high level of service. Mayo is not just a healthcare provider, it’s also a significant part of our local economy. There are approximately 400 people who work at Mayo in Dover-Foxcroft, contributing about $33 million in salaries and benefits into our economy. Employees of Mayo Regional Hospital spend that money at local restaurants, gas stations and stores with most of the Mayo workforce living in Piscataquis County.
Tourism still remains Maine’s number one economic driver; tourists depend on access to healthcare and emergency service as they travel. A loss of the hospital would drastically impact our local tourism-based economy and decrease the number of visitors to our area, further striking a blow to the local economy.
The Piscataquis County Economic Development Council fully supports the merger between Mayo Regional Hospital and Northern Light Health. The economic vitality of our region depends on Mayo Regional Hospital having a future in our county, thriving and in providing continued care for our residents. A loss of Mayo Regional Hospital would negatively impact our county through the loss of high-quality jobs, a loss of services provided locally and loss of a key community pillar.
The future of our economic vitality as a region depends on Mayo Regional Hospital staying open. We fully support the merger; our future depends on it.