Pine Tree Hospice Lunch & Learn April 16
DOVER-FOXCROFT — Wedding anniversaries, death anniversaries, birthdays, holidays and many other days can become extremely difficult for those people who have lost loved ones recently or in the past. It is often helpful and comforting to know that you don’t have to be alone during these times and there are things you can do to help you in this part of your grief journey. Rev. Ray Beless will be addressing this topic at Pine Tree Hospice’s next Lunch & Learn.
This event is scheduled for Tuesday, April 16 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in Dover-Foxcroft and is part of Pine Tree Hospice’s Adult Bereavement Support Program. Lunch & Learn is free of charge and includes a nutritious lunch. The program is open to adults in the community who have experienced grief and loss whether recently or in the past.
To register for Lunch ‘n Learn, please call Pine Tree Hospice at 564-4346.