
D-F women’s club news

DOVER-FOXCROFT — The General Federation of Women’s Clubs (GFWC)/Miosac Club met at Thayer Parkway March 19. Guest speaker was Thompson Free Library Director of Library Services Greta Schroeder, describing many things the library has to offer. Many new services are now available, the library has been modernized with new equipment.

The library has a collection of fiction and non-fiction books, audio books, music books, and DVDs. A knitting group meets there. The library partners with the Maine Humanities Council, and has local authors talks. Movies can be shown there. There are children’s programs and a reading dog for children to read to, this helps them with confidence to read to others. A community room is available. Charlotte White Center consumers go there for art. Anyone wishing to record local history can do so. A digital program is available to research genealogy.

Thompson Free Library

Thompson Free Library
Director of Library Services
Greta Schroeder

Club members were pleased with the information Schroeder provided and are hopeful to make use of the library services.

Prior to the program, GFWC/Miosac Club President Suzanne Raymond called the meeting to order and Diane Leighton led the Club Collect, American’s Creed and Pledge of Allegiance. Pat Jones introduced Schroeder.

Secretary Diane Leighton took roll call with12 members responding with their favorite snack. The minutes of the last meeting were read with no corrections. Corresponding Secretary Roxy McGlauflin read a thank you note from Pine Tree Hospice for participating on Trivia Night. That night was a roaring success and may become an annual thing.

Treasurer Jones gave her report.

Advisory Chair Brenda Quiet noted the next meeting was scheduled for April 2 with a Nashville Adventure with Leighton. She and Wendy Hutchins will be hostesses.

Publicity Chair Minnie McCormick noted the news has been in the Piscataquis Observer and that she was pleased it appeared.

Photo courtesy of Vicki Moschella
HOSTESSES — GFWC/Miosac Club March 19 co-hostesses Minnie McCormick, left, and Hostess Pat Jones.

Anne Cress encouraged members to sell ice out tickets.

Raymond reminded members who are participating in the GFWC Maine Photography they need to fill out a waiver.

One lap robe was shown and will be taken to the Maine Veterans Home in Bangor.

The community directory was discussed and members agreed to continue with it with more help from members.

The meeting was adjourned and members enjoyed delicious refreshment from a St. Patrick’s Day decorated table, provided by Jones.

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