‘Power of Community’ film and discussion Feb. 1 in Dexter
DEXTER — Dexter Dover Area Towns in Transition (DDATT) has been holding regular public discussion meetings and workshops about energy, economics, environment, and agriculture since 2009, and in acknowledgment of this 10-year history will be showing the film “Power of Community” from 6-8 p.m. at the Feb. 1 First Friday in the Abbott Memorial Library.
Filmmakers examine how Cuba was able to lose more than half its oil imports and survive as a nation following the collapse of the Soviet Union in the late 1980s. The lessons learned then by Cubans on how to adapt to fossil fuel scarcity, and what has happened there since the return of that fuel’s abundance should make for some interesting discussion following the film.
As DDATT’s mission is to help our area reduce our use of fossil fuels and create a more stable rural economy, we are committed to skills and ideas which can help us all take better care of our natural resources. For more information on DDATT and future events, email info@ddatt.org to get on email news list or call 277-4221 or 924-3836.