
New Monson Public Library opens its doors

MONSON — The Monson Public Library, newly relocated in the Monson Arts Center at 35 Greenville Road, is up and running. The new space was formerly a cafe in the Monson Community Center, and before that the library of the Monson Elementary School. It has come full circle in its return to now housing the town’s public library. The space was recently renovated by the Libra Foundation as part of its investment in developing an artist program to help spur economic growth for Monson.

The new, larger space features expanded offerings of books, audio books, DVDs, music CDs, and puzzles. There is a children’s reading and activity room which will permit story hours and learning activities. Another new addition is a computer room which will be developed over time into an exciting technology center to help promote digital literacy. The library can access the Art Center’s adjoining common area for speakers, presentations, and performances. There is 24/7 indoor/outdoor community internet accessibility.

All are welcome to come visit. Library hours are 12:30-4:30 p.m. on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. The library will be scheduling an open house once all renovations have been completed. Updates and upcoming events will be posted on the library website

The library is currently seeking new members for its board of trustees and for book club, both meet monthly. The book club is on hiatus through the holiday season and plans to resume in January. Anyone interested in joining the trustees can contact President Holly Melia at 997-3780 or Anyone interested in joining the book club can contact Tom Dallamora, library director, at 997-3476 or

The library will be holding a bake/book sale at the Kris Kringle’s Market on Saturday, Dec. 1 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Monson Gym.

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