Thank you from Rep. Stearns
To the Editor;
I would like to thank every person in Maine House District 119 that exercised their right to vote in the recent elections. I would also like to recognize my opponents, Mr. Adkins of Monson and Mr. Deertrack of Abbot for the way that they conducted their campaigns; it takes a great commitment to throw your hat into the ring in an effort to serve the public. They are to be commended.
All of our municipal clerks and their teams of poll workers deserve our praise for the work that they do to make our elections run smoothly; they do a fine job.
Lastly I would like to thank anyone that helped me along the way, whether it was help putting out signs, giving campaign donations, or just a kind word. It means a lot.
It will be an honor to serve in the 129th Legislature. As always, I may be reached at pastearns1955@gmail.com or at 343-2615.
Rep. Paul Stearns