Medicare 101 class Oct. 24 in D-F
DOVER-FOXCROFT — Leslie Lizotte, aging and disability resource center specialist from the Eastern Area Agency on Aging, will be holding a Medicare 101 class at the Piscataquis County office building (Peaks House) located at 163 East Main Street from 10 a.m. to noon on Wednesday, Oct. 24.
This presentation is specifically designed for those who will be newly eligible for Medicare: either people who are soon to be age 65 or those who are younger but disabled and who will be eligible for Medicare in the future. The presentation explains the coverage Medicare offers and also will explain other Medicare products such as Medicare D, Medicare Advantage plans, Medicare Supplemental insurances, Medicare Savings Programs, and Medicare Fraud. Attendees must call in advance if planning to attend at 1-800-432-7812.