
Sen. Davis announces local projects in upcoming Maine DOT work plans

AUGUSTA – Sen. Paul Davis, R-Sangerville has announced local transportation projects included in the Maine Department of Transportation (MDOT) work plan for the 2018, 2019 and 2020 calendar years. The estimated value of work in the plan totals more than $2.3 billion and encompasses 2,262 projects across the state. It includes more than $1.4 billion in highway, bridge and multimodal capital work, more than $1.1 billion in highway and bridge projects and more than $296 million in multimodal capital projects.

Among the major projects in Senate District 4 include highway improvement along Route 7 in Dover-Foxcroft beginning at the Shaw Road, bridge maintenance in Guilford, safety upgrades at the Dexter Regional Airport and highway paving in Palmyra.

“This is very important publication, and I would like to thank MDOT for all of their hard work,” Sen. Davis said. “It is critical for the people of District 4 to know how their infrastructure is being maintained, because it affects their safety. There are also important economic implications to having sound roads and bridges, and this publication will help citizens understand what is being done in their communities.”

The full work plan, including an interactive plan that is searchable by municipality, can be accessed on the Maine Department of Transportation’s website at

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