Women’s club news
DOVER-FOXCROFT — The General Federation of Women’s (GFWC)/Miosac Club met at Thayer Parkway on March 21. President Anne Cress called the meeting to order and welcomed members. A special welcome back to Vicki Moschella and Betsey Ryan followed.
Roxy McGlauflin led the Club Collect, American’s Creed and Pledge of Allegiance. Recording Secretary Diane Leighton took roll with 13 members. She then read the minutes of the last meeting. Treasurer Pat Jones gave her report showing income. Corresponding Secretary McGlauflin read thank you notes from Edna Roberts for her flowers and Martha Rollins for the card all members signed celebrating the birth of her first great grandchild.
Cress reminded members to keep up their volunteer hour sheets, mentioned the ice out ticket sales are going well and reminded members to save box tops for the school. Minnie McCormick presented four Angel Pockets that will go to Mayo Regional Hospital.
Loca high school art show Chair Wendy Hutchins gave an update of the show scheduled for March 24 at the Dover-Foxcroft Congregational Church. Foxcroft Academy and Picataquis Community High School are the schools participating this year. Local Kiwanis clubs donated money for the prizes, and the art teachers will also receive monies to help with supply expenses. Winners’ works will go on the the district show in April.
The GFWC Maine Spring Convention will be held May 11-12 at Hollywood Slots in Bangor. Several members plan to attend.
Under new business McCormick, Pinwheels for Prevention of Child Abuse chair, noted the club needs to start collecting pinwheels to be put in front of the United Methodist Church of Dover-Foxcroft in April once the ground is ready. This has been a continuing project for several years and almost 100 were put out last year. The program is under the domestic violence awareness initiative of the GFWC.
The meeting was adjourned and McGlauflin, as program chair, spoke about and showed pictures of the McGlauflin family members that had served in the early wars and one of a grave site at Arlington National Cemetery outside of Washington, D.C.
The next meeting will be April 4 with Dodie Curtis as the speaker. Program Chair is Austin, and Elaine Larson and Ryan will serve as hostesses.
Contributed photo
MEETING HOSTESSES — Roxy McGlauflin, left, and Wendy Hutchins served as hostesses for the March 21 meeting of the GFWC/Miosac CLub.