
Historical society meets Oct. 7

DOVER-FOXCROFT — The Dover-Foxcroft Historical Society will be holding its final meeting of 2015 on Wednesday evening, Oct. 7. The evening starts promptly at 7 p.m. at the Gerrish-Warren Meeting Room at Thayer Parkway on Park Street.


Attendees will hear Estella “Tootie” Bennett share letters written by her great uncle, Elmer Lindie. Uncle Elmer grew up in Monson and was part of the “Yankee Division” Company F, 103rd Infantry Regiment. This unit was originally a National Guard Company based in Dover-Foxcroft, called to active duty in 1915 and sent to the Mexican border and later served in WWI in 1917. The public is invited to come and hear these tales of a local soldier.

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