Sangerville select board responds
To the Editor:
We are writing in response to charges of improper activity on the part of the Sangerville Select Board by Richard R. Dobson Sr. in the Aug. 26, 2015 edition of the Piscataquis Observer.
Since April of 2014 Mr. Dobson has been a fixture at our Select Board meetings. Initially, the Board tried to work with him as he wrote ordinance.
Mr. Dobson received legal advice on his Ordinance at the request of the Select Board through the services of Maine Municipal Associations Legal Services Department. Mr. Dobson solicited the required number of petition signatures necessary to put the “Code of Ethics Ordinance” on the Warrant for the March Town Meeting, and the Select Board felt compelled to add his Ordinance to the 2015 Warrant.
In November we voted unanimously to send Mr. Dobson’s Ordinance to the town’s legal counsel. We spent over $2,300 for a legal opinion from Eaton Peabody to share with the Town. It makes no sense to pay for a legal opinion and then not share it with the Town.
Dave Pearson, then Town Manager, sent a copy of the attested version of the Ordinance to Eaton Peabody in November of 2014 and that is the copy reviewed by Eaton Peabody. Mrs. Randall did send Eaton Peabody, at their request, copies of all correspondence that she had pertaining to the ordinance; but again, only the Town Clerk’s attested copy, sent by the Town Manager, was reviewed by Eaton Peabody.
All Sangerville Select Board members take pride in paying close attention to the day-to-day operations of the Town, and in doing our job with pride and integrity. On June 11, 2015 we paid for Thad Zmistowski, Sangerville’s principal legal counsel from Eaton Peabody, to attend our Selectmen’s meeting and answer Mr. Dobson’s accusations. Mr. Dobson argued with Mr. Zmistowski and refused to accept any of the explanations that he was given. Anyone who wants to hear the recording of the June 11th meeting may bring a memory stick to the Sangerville Town Office and get a digital copy of the meeting.
Between the legal review of the “Code of Ethics Ordinance” and the visit by town counsel on June 11th, Mr. Dobson has cost the Sangerville taxpayers $5,500. As far as the Sangerville Select Board is concerned, we have adequately responded to Mr. Dobson’s allegations.
William Rowe
Thomas Carone
Melissa Randall