
GFWC/Miosac Club happenings

By Minnie McCormick

    DOVER-FOXCROT — GFWC/Miosac Club met March 3 with 12 members and one associate member. President Vicki Moschella called the meeting to order. She thanked the hostesses Brenda Quiet and Cathie Goodine. Minnie McCormick led the Club Collect, American’s Creed and the Pledge of Allegiance.

GFWC/Miosac Club meeting hostesses Brenda Quiet, left,
and Cathie Goodine

    Goodine took roll call and read the minutes of the last meeting. Treasurer Carol Kilpatrick gave the treasurer’s report. Both were accepted as read. There was no correspondence.
    Elaine Larson reported on the upcoming high school art contest to the held at the Congregational Church March 22. The public is invited to attend. Larson, Barb Austin, Suzanne Raymond and Rheba Michaud are distributing posters. Kilpatrick, Austin and Goodine will make goodies and McCormick will be in charge of the punch. Kilpatrick noted that money for the art teachers was received from the Milo-based Kiwanis.
    Anne Cress talked about the ice out contest and noted that Suzanne Stacey had assisted us by helping to sell tickets. The club appreciates her help. Members are selling tickets until March 31 and then we wait for the ice to go out!
    Austin noted that the annual birthday party date will be May 12. More details later.
    Many items were discussed and action was taken to get them off the table. Austin will check with the senior luncheon committee and set up a date for the club to provide the luncheon.
    Moschella reminded members of the photography and writing contest for GFWC Maine
    Kilpatrick made the motion that we partner with conservation and plant a tree in the Marion Doore Park, also to celebrate the GFWC’s 125th anniversary. The motion was carried and the event will take place later in the spring.
    Goodine announced that the maple sapping field trip will happen when the sap gets to running. She will notify members at that time.
    Leighton made the motion to have all the regular meetings begin at 6 o’clock. With some discussion, the motion was carried.
    The meeting was adjourned and delicious refreshments were served.

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