GFWC/Miosac members learn about quilling
Contributed Article
DOVER-FOXCROFT — GFWC/Miosac Club met Feb. 3 at Thayer Parkway with 9 members present.
President Vicki Moschella called the meeting to order. She thanked the hostesses, Diane Leighton and Anne Cress and wished Pat Jones a happy birthday.
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QUILLING — Minnie McCormick demonstrated the classic art of quilling at a recent GFWC/Miosac Club meeting.
Pat Jones led the Club Collect, American’s Creed and the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. The secretary’s report was read following roll call. It was accepted as read. In the absence of the treasurer, Vicki gave the total balance in the check book.
Corresponding Secretary Roxy McGlauflin read two thank-you notes from members who have been ill. Members signed cards for ill members.
Advisory Chairman Pat Jones reported that the next meeting will be Feb. 17 and we will be celebrating Mardi Gras. Members were asked to dress colorfully for the occasion.
During unfinished business, Vicki reminded members of the Elder Abuse Awareness posters.
Vicki informed members of the GFWC/Maine Art and writing contests in May. Members are urged to participate. She also noted that GFWC will be celebrating our 125th anniversary this year. GFWC/Miosac Club is encouraged to have a project to celebrate that occasion.
Vicki had information regarding Flower Power and possibly planting seeds to participate in the conservation Project. The club discussed planting trees as well as encouraged by State Conservation Chairman Sally Manchester. This business was tabled until next meeting hoping there will be more members present.
The meeting was adjourned and Pat Jones presented member Minnie McCormick who spoke and demonstrated quilling and ribbon embroidery. Quilling, sometimes called paper filligree, is an old craft that is being revived.
She showed members how to curl the paper and make different shapes. She showed some Christmas ornaments that she had quilled. It is very fine work and takes lots of time to do the quilling.
McCormick also does ribbon embroidery and showed several items she has done as well as telling members how to do it. The members were very interested.
Following the program, delicious refreshments were served on a beautifully-decorated Valentine theme table by Anne Cress and Diane Leighton.