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Davis named Senate chair of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife Committee

SP-DavisIFW-DCX-PO-1    AUGUSTA — Sen. T. Paul Davis of Sangerville will serve as the Chair of the Joint Standing Committee on Inland Fisheries and Wildlife (IF&W) for the 127th Maine State Legislature.
    “I’m honored to have the privilege of again serving as Chair of the Inland Fisheries and Wildlife Committee,” said Davis in a prepared statement. “As an avid outdoorsman, I am passionate about protecting and promoting Maine’s outdoor heritage. The issues we deal with on IF&W are of great importance to many families and businesses throughout our great state.”

    Davis previously served as House Chair of the Committee during the 125th Maine State Legislature, and as the committee’s lead Republican during the 126th Maine State Legislature.
    “Mainers are extremely fortunate to have Senator Davis as Chair of the Inland Fisheries and Wildlife Committee,” said Senate President Michael Thibodeau (R-Waldo). “Not only does his legislative experience provide him with the knowledge he needs to lead this committee, but he is passionate about the issues the committee deals with.”
    The Inland Fisheries and Wildlife Committee oversees the Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife, wardens, hunting, fishing, trapping, snowmobiles, boat safety registration, personal watercraft, and white water rafting.
    Senate Majority Leader Garrett Mason (R-Androscoggin) also applauded the appointment of Sen. Davis as Chair. “I can’t think of a better fit for this position,” said Mason. “Maine is synonymous with an outdoors lifestyle, and Sen. Davis is committed to ensuring we have policies in place to protect that.”
    Davis is a former president of the Maine Snowmobile Association and is currently on the board of the Sportsmanís Alliance of Maine.
    During the 127th Maine State Legislature, Davis will also serve as a member of the Taxation, Joint Select Committee on Rules and Government Oversight committees.

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